Interview with Jim Long.
Jim Long talks about effects of the yantra design.
Massage Therapist Jim Long installed a custom Sky Factory Luminous SkyCeiling™ in his new office that combines a convincing illusion of real sky with the sacred geometrical form of an ancient Indian symbol called a Surya Yantra.
Jim said, "I'm a massage therapist, so I want the office to be a healing environment. I wanted something special and something that would raise people's spirits, uplift them.
"It adds so much to the room and to the environment that I didn't even think about the cost. I would do it all over again.
"I had a client come in who owns an art store. Her sense of color, proportion, geometry is dead-on, and she was floored. She was stunned. She was blown away by it. That was a really nice affirmation that it was the right thing to do."

This Installation Features:
Custom Luminous SkyCeilingTM