Kantor-Goldenberg, DDS

"I took one look and I said, 'oh, my goodness, I need this.' In New York City we have tiny spaces and every inch counts. At the time I was practicing in a very small, very brown office. It was dark and very, very unwelcoming, even to me. So, I decided if I ever built a new office I wanted the Luminous SkyCeilings — that was number one."
"And, sure enough, about 2 years after I saw the product I had the opportunity to build a new office, and The Sky Factory was the first company I contacted. Working with this company has been fantastic. Every single question was answered immediately. They couldn't have been more helpful or responsive. They were the best company of everybody I worked with, (and I had a very good experience building my office)."
"I contacted The Sky Factory and asked them what the process would be, and they guided me. As soon as I had the architect doing the drawings, he worked directly with The Sky Factory, and they drew in the ceilings. All I had to do was approve how big they would be. Treatment rooms in dental offices are very compact, but the 16 sq. ft. SkyCeiling in each treatment room is really magnificent."
"The construction people were as excited as I was. We couldn't wait to put up the first panels. The electrician came in to help me put them up. We installed one in one of my main treatment rooms, and were really impressed. Everybody who was around was amazed. They all wanted them for their houses. They all loved it."
"After I built the office, something happened that I didn't expect. I was driving into the office one day through terrible midtown traffic - it was a really rainy, nasty day. I looked outside and said to my husband, who was driving the car, 'Ugh, it's such a dreary day, but it's sunny in my office!'"
"What I didn't expect to happen was that my mood would be enhanced, and my staff's mood, and my patients'! I've had some of them say, 'This is like a present that you gave us Cheryl, it's amazing!'"
"I love it. I recommend it to everybody. I'm serious. I am thrilled that I did it. I knew it would be pretty. I expected it to be pretty. But, what I didn't expect was that it was going to make me feel great! I can't wait to be here."
"Dental offices are sometimes high pressure. People get anxious, and it can be transmitted to the staff. But, I have been so calm. Whatever happens, it's OK; we'll get through it. I've got daylight coming down on me. Now we refer to the old office as 'the dungeon,' and not affectionately either."
"This is New York City, we don't see the sky. I'm on the 33rd floor of a 42-story building. For these SkyCeilings to look like the sky is actually above us is simply amazing."
"Before the new office was finished, I worked right across the street, almost on the ground floor, in 'the dungeon' as I said. And one day, while the workmen were here, it was already dark out, and this is the 33rd floor, it's a tall building, and I could never have distinguished which office was mine from the ground. But, one day I stepped out of my building, my husband was picking me up, I was on the street, I looked up and the lights were on, and I could see my SkyCeilings from the ground! I made my husband get out of his car. I said, 'Stop the car, park right here.' You're not allowed to do that in New York City, but I didn't care, I made him get out, pointed up and said, 'Look, there they are!'"

This Installation Features:
Luminous SkyCeilingTM

Dr. Kantor-Goldenberg examines a patient beneath one of the five Luminous SkyCeilings™ she has installed in the treatment rooms of her clinic, New York, NY. Photographs © The Sky Factory 2007.