Prince Charles Hospital MRI
The Prince Charles Hospital is a specialty institution located in Brisbane, Australia. Its specialities include cardio-thoracic medicine, orthopaedics, mental health, medical imaging, and geriatric medicine and rehabilitation. It is a major teaching hospital and a world class medical research centre. The Hospital's Medical Imaging service provides the most sophisticated cardiac imaging in Australia.
The hospital's attention to patient comfort is evidenced by the installation of the large Luminous SkyCeiling in the MRI, where the virtual skylight provides the relaxing presence of nature.

This Installation Features:
EcoSlim LED Luminous SkyCeilingsTM
The hospital's attention to patient comfort is evidenced by the installation of the large Luminous SkyCeiling in the MRI, where the virtual skylight provides the relaxing presence of nature.

This Installation Features:
EcoSlim LED Luminous SkyCeilingsTM